What the hell is this?

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Approx. 8 minutes

Seriously, why another stinky blog, another website in this already flooded online world with blogs, vlogs and websites?

I squeezed three reasons out of my brain:

  1. My basic problem is that the female dating world lacks a humorous, entertaining, serious and instructive blog. (If you know one, please write me – I’ll link to it, or comment the post below with a link).
  2. The women’s queer community also lacks a reasonable and fair tool to get to know other women..
  3. And one more reason: I want to improve my non-existent writing quality (just the way I talk) and my brainwork.

Once you have finished reading this post, you know the purpose of this blog.

Okay, let’s go.

What’s it about

Basically this blog is about love and partnership. In our case it is about love for another woman and the relationship with her.

But why love? We both know that love is the most beautiful feeling and at the same time the most terrible in the world.

It’s not for nothing that countless artists from the most diverse fields (music, painting, literature, etc.) have devoted themselves to the theme of love in their art for centuries.

Have you ever listened to the lyrics of Adele, Taylor or Sia? Or to stay in our team: what do Tegan and Sara sing about? Exactly, about the wonderful, cheesy love.

It can be your best friend, the last salvation before drowning, the warm blanket in the cold night. At the same time the endless fall and the unending pain, an unreturned or taken away love.

You know what it’s like to be in love and probably what it’s like to be heartbroken. You can’t eat (I mean, that says it all!), you’re sad, you’re in a bad mood, you can only think of HER (not even food) – it’s the WORST! The feeling kills you.

So it’s clear to you and me that love moves like no other feeling in this world. Except maybe hunger…

The goal of (most) people is to experience this heavenly feeling of being loved and loving and to preserve it forever. Who wants to be alone and live her life alone?

So enough blathering, back to this blog. It should not be cheesy but above all more humorous, more entertaining, more serious and more instructive – okay – maybe now and then cheesy, we will see…

The three states

I split the relationship status into three states.

You and I will look in this blog at 1. which ways to get out of being single there are, how to find your dream woman, 2. how to date her and win her heart and 3. you are in a relationship with her and (hopefully) keep her.

I will put these three states (here categories) into beautiful design with cool photos, graphics, stories and cartoons. The two monster women Ada and Eva will help me with that.

Although love, as already mentioned, has negative sides, reflected in annoying lovesickness and shitty heartache, I would like to concentrate mainly on the positive sides.

We will look at solutions and options that exist in the online and offline world. And if you’re just wallowing in pain, all I can say is: it will pass – at some point, and only perhaps.

This blog looks forward to an optimistic future full of love. Whoa, that was quick, that it got cheesy.

What’s it not about

This blog is not about your coming out, any book or movie tips, sex, family, TV program, city guides, travel, etc.! There are enough websites, clubs, non-profit organizations and institutions that cover these areas in detail and very well.

If you have found your way here, then you are sure of your sexuality and had your inner coming out and now you want to meet a woman.

If you are looking for helpful websites, then have a look here (German websites):

  • lesarion.com (Community, Dating, Lifestyle)
  • rainbowfeelings.de (Blog / Lifestyle / Reisen / Liebe, Dating & Sex)
  • frauverliebt.de (Blog / Coming-Out)
  • lsvd.de (Verband)
  • lesbianchic.de Lesbian Chic (Blog, Community)

For the sake of completeness I have compiled an overview of other websites from the various areas. Maybe there is something that interests you:

Some of these websites, if they offer free service, have quite a few advertisements from third parties.

That overwhelms you to some extent, but they have to see how they make ends meet. Just look away.

At Aquema you will not get any advertising of any products you’ve been looking for on the internet today.

You will get a pure and naked blog. What more do you want?!

Worst word of the millennium: Lesbian

I still have to address the subject of definition quickly.

A short and true story: A couple told me that they were invited to barbecue with neighbours in summer. And the hostess there told me that her best friend was LESBIAN, and she kept using the word “Lesbian”. My girlfriends said when they told me: “If this really was their best friend, she wouldn’t have said this word all the time, she would know that “we” don’t like it that much.”

I’ve thought about it many times before, and I hate to say it. But their story convinced me once again: In this blog you will very rarely read or hear the words “lesbian”.

I don’t know a single queer woman who finds these words pleasant. I belong to one of them and decide without further ado that these terms will not appear or will appear very rarely here.

To make it nevertheless understandable I will write from e.g.

  • queer women,
  • women who love women or
  • women who fancy women.

A queer woman can also be part of the team.

I think that’s understandable, you know who is meant and I don’t have to define you, me, us, with this horrible word.

Okay, maybe I don’t have to look at it that deeply. Definition is definition, right? Nevertheless, where possible, I would like to choose a nicer term for us.


Why should you read this blog? What additional value does it offer you?

If you are a queer woman and would like to learn how to 1. escape from your single life, 2. get to know your dream woman better, date her and 3. keep her, then you have come to the right place. And with all this reading effort you are still entertained.

Maybe you are also interested in what other queer women are doing. Which opinions other women have. You can read them in the comments. Interact with your comments with me or other readers – as you like.

Have a voice. But always be nice and friendly. If you don’t like it, then just don’t come by – quite simple.

So, remember, we are a team, we sit in the same colorful boat and fight for our queer love.

You can start right away: Which of the three states are you in right now?

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